Thursday, May 6, 2010

About the Gazeta de Buenos Ayres

The Gazeta de Buenos Ayres ran from 7 June 1810 to 12 September 1821 and is a fundamental primary source for Latin America's Independence period. Issues were produced once a week, and appeared every Thursday, with the occasional Supplement or Extraordinary issue.

The John Carter Brown Library is fortunate to hold a virtually complete run of the Gazeta, including the Supplements and Extraordinary issues (as of today, 6 May 2010, we hold 805 of 828 issues). As a part of the Bicentennial celebrations of the Wars of Independence in Latin America, the JCBL will be digitizing and making freely available on the Internet Archive all of our issues of the Gazeta. Subscribe to the RSS feed and have each issue delivered to your in-box 200 years to the day after it was issued!